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Welcome to the MEMBER APP 

OF THE International Women’s Association of Modena

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Who can join the IWA Modena

Any woman over the age of eighteen who shares the interests and objectives of the association and has good knowledge of English can become a member of the IWA Modena.

Membership Period

IWA Modena memberships are based on the calendar year and run from the date you join through to 31st December of the same year, regardless of when you sign up.

Membership Fees

  • Full-Year Membership: €55 (plus PayPal fee)
    Applies to members who join anytime between 1st January and 31st August.
    • Full access to the online community.
    • The right to attend all general meetings, social events, and interest group activities.
    • A copy of the IWA Modena Welcome Book, 3rd edition.
    • Voting rights and eligibility to stand for election to the Board.
  • Partial-Year Membership: €40 (plus PayPal fee)
    Applies to members who join on or after September 1st.
    Includes the same benefits as Full-Year Membership but at a reduced rate.
    • Alumni Membership
      For members who move 100km or more away from Modena but would like to remain a member, please contact the secretary to discuss our Alumni membership option.


    Non-members are welcome to attend one event or interest group activity as a guest before deciding to join.

    How Membership Fees Are Used

    Membership fees are used to cover the operating expenses of the association, such as speaker costs, newsletter and guidebook publication, and website hosting.

    Please follow the steps below to register

    Regular membership - €57.00 (EUR) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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